You must give way to commercial vessels at the pilot boarding area, approaches to the fairway buoys and in the River Neath navigation channel. The pilot boat may also be in attendance at these locations.

Within the navigation channel, subject to other traffic, it may be permissible to hoist a sail; however, recreational craft should have their engine running with the ability to engage the propeller immediate. Craft must have names or show identifiable marks.

If you cannot see the bridge windows of a commercial vessel, the bridge navigation team cannot see YOU. It is poor seamanship and extremely dangerous to pass close to any vessel for bravado or sightseeing. Striking a bow wave and the interaction between vessels can have serious consequences.

5 or more short blasts on a ship’s whistle means “Wake up” be alert, look behind you.

A listening watch should be kept on marine VHF channels 16 and 77 prior to departure and when approaching the Harbour limits from sea. If any doubt exists as to vessel movements, the pilot boat should be contacted by calling Neath Pilot.

During the hours of darkness or whilst in reduced visibility, navigation lights should be switched on. A torch with spare batteries should also be part of your equipment.

NO safe boat passage exists into the disused and heavily silted Brunel tidal basin owing to the close proximity of overhead high voltage power lines.

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Rules 3, 5 & 9)

A small craft or sailing vessel shall not impede the passage of a power driven vessel which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel and is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre or is limited by her draught.

Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and or the risk of collision.

(a) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit or the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable.

Also in Policies & Guidance:
